Keshia Rice
2 min readJul 8, 2023


Photo by Brittani Burns on Unsplash

What does it mean to embody feminine energy? And why is it so important?

To start, when we are talking about feminine energy, and masculine energy, we are not just talking about stereotypical what it means to be a man or a woman what it means to be a boy or girl. Both men and women have feminine energy, just like both men and women have masculine energy. But if you are female, you typically operate a little bit more in your feminine energy. If you’re male, you typically operate more in your masculine energy. Healthy relationships with yourself, and with others, are about a balance between the two of these things.

Feminine energy is all about nurture, fluidity, and creativity. Feminine energy is about faith, empathy, imagination, inspiration. One of the most common misconceptions that I hear about feminine energy is that it’s weak and soft. As women, we are powerful creators and communicators.

When you are too tilted towards your masculine energy, you are too rigid, your creativity is blocked, and you have a hard time expressing your needs and adapting to change.

You can also be too feminine, lacking the masculine balance. This leads to being too mothering, taking on other people’s problems as your responsibility, being overly forgiving, and allowing people to cross your boundaries. If you have your feminine flow but lack your masculine structure, you may also find it difficult to be productive, and you may become overly dependent on others to rescue you.

In dating, a balanced feminine woman knows how to be present. She doesn’t audition for the role of girlfriend. She enjoys the moment, while listening carefully to the conversation for red flags. She discerns whether the person in front of her is aligned with her values and can easily move on if he’s not a fit. She knows when to be vulnerable, and when to remain silent.

Feminine energy is about creating invitations. It’s being open to receiving, open to conversations, and open to learning more. While setting boundaries comes from our masculine energy (again, masculine= structure, feminine = flow), the feminine is comfortable upholding those boundaries and allowing relationships to flow from that structure. The feminine understands that boundaries are key to allowing her to be her most authentic and comfortable.

Feminine energy is about trusting the process and falling in love with it. It’s understanding that there are gifts in the present. It’s knowing that you are constantly being brought closer to your ideal life. It’s trusting that you are valuable, you are worthy, and everything always works out for your good.



Keshia Rice
Keshia Rice

Written by Keshia Rice

I help executive and entreprenurial women atrract high-value men. instagram.com/keshiarice

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